Sensor Toolbox App gives you access to data and Graphs from Sensors:
Sensor Toolbox App gives detail information about Sensors and read sensors real time data and plots real time graph
- Accelerometer Sensor
- Linear Acceleration Sensor
- Gyroscope Sensor
- Orientation Sensor
- Gravity Sensor
- Proximity sensor
- Relative Humidity Sensor
- Step detector and Counter Sensor
- Rotation vector Sensors
- Light sensor
- Magnetometer
- Pressure sensor
- relative humidity sensor
- Ambient Temperature sensor
- Battery
- Gps
- WiFi
* Real Time - Real time data obtained from Sensor.
* Graphs - Real time Graph from real time data from sensor
* GPS - User could see their geographical position, the altitude at which they are, and the status of the satellites.
* Simple and Clean Design
* WiFi -Connected Network Name, Strength, IP Address, Link Speed
If you have any queries or suggestion with this app or ideas to develop, please send us message to
Sensor Toolbox App memberi Anda akses ke data dan Grafik dari Sensor:
Sensor Toolbox App memberikan informasi detail tentang Sensor dan membaca data sensor real time dan memplot grafik waktu nyata
- Sensor Accelerometer
- Sensor Akselerasi Linear
- Sensor Giroskop
- Sensor Orientasi
- Sensor gravitasi
- Sensor jarak
- Sensor Kelembaban Relatif
- Detektor Langkah dan Sensor Counter
- Sensor Rotasi vektor
- Sensor cahaya
- Magnetometer
- Sensor tekanan
- sensor kelembaban relatif
- Sensor Suhu Ambient
- Baterai
- Gps
- Wifi
* Real Time - Data real time yang diperoleh dari Sensor.
* Grafik - Grafik real time dari data real time dari sensor
* GPS - Pengguna dapat melihat posisi geografis mereka, ketinggian tempat mereka berada, dan status satelit.
* Desain Sederhana dan Bersih
* Nama Jaringan WiFi -Connected, Kekuatan, Alamat IP, Kecepatan Tautan
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